The Chicken of the Family

Book cover: The Chicken of the Family
The Chicken of the Family
By Mary Amato

In our world you often hear, "be an individual". Everyone wants to be their own person and be unique. However, in childhood it can be common to be made fun of if you are different. "The Chicken in the Family" takes a look into these situations within a family.

Henrietta finding the feathers and egg in her bed.Henrietta is the youngest sister. Her oldest sister, Kim, is the instigator of the problems. She influenced the middle sister, Clare, to join her in teasing Henrietta. The teasing takes on a new level when the older sisters tell Henrietta she is a chicken, not a human. They go to the lengths of planting feathers and an egg in Henrietta's bed! Henrietta begins to wonder if she is a chicken. Her sisters don't seem to like her, she is different from them. Poor Henrietta decides to leave the house of the humans and find her real family.

Henrietta enjoying life with the chickens.Henrietta travels to Barney's farm and joins the chickens there. She begins walking like the chickens, "bawking", strutting, and playing tag with the chickens. She finds happiness with her new family were she can just be her silly self and be accepted. Kim and Clare get into trouble when their parents realize Henrietta is gone. Clare fesses up that she and Kim have been teasing her. They ride off on their bikes to find Henrietta and come across her at Barney's farm. Now they begin trying to convince Henrietta she isn't a chicken. Henrietta tells them she is happy being a chicken and that the chickens are much nicer to her than they are. 

Kim wants to storm off with Clare after Henrietta wants to stay with the chickens, but Clare has a change of heart. Kim calls Clare a chicken and Clare decides to join Henrietta in the peace and calm of the chickens. Ultimately, Kim becomes the odd one out and Henrietta and Clare learn to be themselves and enjoy who they are. 

What a story! We are all faced with times were we have to choose if we will try to look cool and act as of something is beneath us. Just like Kim, we tease and turn our nose up at someone who is different so we can feel superior. Other times we are like Clare, and follow the lead of what someone else is doing. I think we should all strive to be like Henrietta! Enjoy life as you are. Be unique! Be whoever you want to be and accept others as they are. Henrietta didn't beg her sisters to change. She simply decided to be who she wanted to be regardless of if anyone joined her. 

I may have given away a little too much about the story, but it is definitely still worth the read!

Click HERE to listen to a read aloud!

My daughter received this book from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. This program provides a free book for children monthly from birth to age five. Click HERE to find more information. 


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